Get a complimentary Hail Risk Assessment.

Understand the probability of hail damage for each building in your portfolio based on historical hail data, building systems data, and our proprietary algorithms in one detailed report.*

See the probability of hail damage for each building in your portfolio based on historical hail data, building systems data, and our proprietary algorithms in one detailed report.*

Understand your portfolio’s hail risk.

By analyzing the hail data and roof systems on your buildings, we can give you a report of your portfolio's current hail exposure. 

We've found these assessments to be a useful starting point to assess if our firm can be useful to portfolio owners.

Our assessments include:
The probability of hail damage across your portfolio, based on hail data and roof systems
Identification of restoration opportunities
An analysis of your hail risk processes

CRE owners trust HailSolve

They do what they say they’re going to do, and they know what they’re talking about.

Lewis Agnew President, Charles Hawkins Co.
Lewis Agnew President, Charles Hawkins Co.

Ready to see your portfolio’s hail exposure and opportunities?


*Portfolio Risk Assessments are only complimentary for qualified CRE owners after verification by a HailSolve representative.